Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Hit Counter

I suspect something went a little funny with my original hit counter. At the moment, I don't have huge amounts of traffic hitting the page but one day my counter jumped by the hundreds. I have been unable to troubleshoot the issue so far so I added a second counter.

Until I can find more detail as to what happened, I am going to leave both hit counters up. I don't either are EXACT right now, but the lower number is probably more accurate. How did I come up with the starting number for the new hit counter? I had an idea of what my hits were before I set up a statistical analysis page for the blog so I used that number in addition to the number of visitors according to my analytics page. It's not exact but extremely close. Close enough to get the point.

Thanks for reading. Keep stopping by and passing the blog to any of your friends, peers, family, etc... that may find it interesting.


Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler

I have had the Line DL4 Delay Modeler in my rig for around 6 months now. As far as effects and versatility are concerned, it's an absolutely stunning machine. Durability isn't necessarily so great on it. Anyway, I'll write more on it some other time. For now, he's a really cool demo of it. I would love to be able to use it to the potential this guy is using it at. My delay usage isn't as "prevalent" at the moment, but who knows what the future holds?