Thursday, August 13, 2009

RIP Les Paul - Legend of All Music

Today marked the death of an icon in the passing of Les Paul. Everyone made a big deal about Michael Jackson passing away and how big his impact was on music worldwide, but how much did he really contribute compared to Les Paul? Les Paul is arguably responsible for modern music as we know it.

Up until Les Paul's irritation of the lack of volume from guitars, the world did not have the machine that is the electric guitar. After having a desire for bigger volume and projection, Les Paul went to work on trying to different methods of amplifying his guitar. His final creation resulted in guitar strings on a board which ended up being the birth of the electric guitar. I could go on for days about this story, but I just want to make sure people realize he is/was more than just a signature on a Gibson guitar.

Also, do some research and you will find that Les Paul was a major player in the creation of multi-track recording and tape echo. I read the article of his passing today and they explained his method to accomplish multi-track recording and it was really quite amazing for that time. As I read, the story goes that this "invention" was born out of a tape recorder he received as a gift from Bing Crosby. There's a story for you. This man was clearly a genius, enough said.

Les Paul's legacy will obviously carry on for quite some time. He is as important to all the music that we love as the Beatles, Elvis, Michael Jackson, Celine Dion...ok maybe not Celine Dion (I'm only kidding). Gibson made him the signature Les Paul in the 1950's and so many of us are still playing them to this day as a major staple in all of music. Every genre with performed music will see the Les Paul in its presence and will continue to for years to come.

Rest in peace Les Paul, we will all remember, appreciate, and honor you for years to come. If you have one, make sure to play your Les Paul tonight in his honor.

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