Monday, December 14, 2009

Beauty of Guitar

So I was looking through the blog and I saw a comment that was posted that I must have overlooked. I found it to be amazing. It "contested" a lot of what I said in a post and I think that's great. The points made are very true and accurately demonstrate what I believe is a double edged sword. The guitar industry in general is definitely making things that are better than ever along with all of the crap in the market. The sad part is that the magic of the old days isn't there anymore, but as you will read in the comment, that's just the way it has evolved. "Back in the day," kids were listening to the Beatles, Cream, Hendrix, the Beach Boys, Rolling Stones, etc... Today we have Lady Gaga and Kanye.

I really like this response and the thought behind it. Well played, Bob Pauly.

Bob Pauly said...


The gear manufactured today is light years better than the gear made in my day: from a Squire Strat to a Collings I-35, the gear is better, more reliable and more affordable than ever. Amps, pedals - you name it - if you think it sounded better then - a TS9 over a Fulldrive - or that anything better than a DC-30 or Shiva (well maybe, a '65 SR), you need to be taken out to the woodshed (Make 'n Music).

As for the state of guitar playing, well, how about the state of guitar based music? Lady Gaga? We had Cream. Kayne? We had Hendrix. Yet I'm slightly optimistic about the future of guitar - my 6 year-old was jamming to GNR and Eric Johnson last night (Guitar Hero, of course) - if parents keep their kids off the sugar and on the classics - if parents demonstrate to kids that making music can be a part of daily life, the future of the guitar is bright.

As for the impact of the internet on the guitar, I thing it's fantastic. Hey - you like Haynes? - now check out Grissom. You can do this instantly. Want a more reliable AC30? Do a Google search. Want a great cab to go with that Belov head? Never has been more information, or more good gear, been more readily available. And never has access to like minded musicians been easier. The access to a great, guitar passion is only limited by your desire and imagination.

May 30, 2009 9:19 AM

1 comment:

  1. I play drums, but agree with both of you about how music today is a joke. I look at the top albums out and see Rhianna at number one. wtf?!?

    But I do see some light at the end of the tunnel, we just need to help promote real music and not this fake studio 'music'.

    That is all.
