Sunday, December 6, 2009

Feelin' Good

I will forewarn you now, this post will be very limited in terms of guitar talk. I just wanted to take a minute to reflect on the blog a bit.

This evening I have had quite a few moments of satisfaction centered around Bill's Guitar Blog and general gear talk. I'm currently in the market for a new amplifier after having a complete reawakening at a show I was at last night and I have spent the day exchanging emails with my uncle who is fellow gearhead. I realized that I was at a point in the conversation where I was no longer seeking relevant information but was just enjoying exchanging essays on amplifiers and guitars. Very little makes me happier than gear talk.

The next event trips me out. Believe it or not (I believe I have alluded to this before), playing in my band and Bill's Guitar Blog don't pay the bills and I actually have to work a day job. I work in the world of IT and part of our team is based in India. A member of the team from India spent a considerable amount of time working in our Chicago office where I got to know him pretty well. He eventually finished his work in Chicago and headed back to India. Little did I know while he was here that this guy was a guitar player! One day when I wa perusing Facebook I saw a video he posted on Youtube of him playing. Since then, we have discussed our music every now and then. ANYWAY, I logged into my personal Gmail account and this friend started chatting with me via G-Chat and brought up my blog. Turns out he follows it and finds it interesting. Imagine that!

Clearly, I'm a nerd. I love the tools of music so much. At this show last night, I turned to my wife and said to her, "I love music. Not just the sounds, but the tools used to make them." I got the usual "yeah" and a "you gotta be kidding me" head shake. But it's true, I love the science of guitar and through this blog I get to discuss everything I love about it. Not only that but it allows me to connect with someone on the other side of the world who also loves music.

Ultimately, I'm just really happy that there are a few people reading this and they seem to enjoy it. It really makes me feel good and excited about whatever I write about next. Hopefully by this time next year the blog will have lots of new followers and will gain some momentum.

So as always, thank you and please help spread the word. The more people that dig the blog, the more motivated I am to keep working on it and improving it. I'm hoping that I will be able to get more people to start contributing writeups and/or anything else to the blog. I truly want this blog to be exactly what the readers want and the only way to do that is to allow them the ability to contribute. So remember, you can email me at and let me know what you want to see.

Again, thank you and KEEP TELLING YOUR FRIENDS! Let's spread this blog and make this thing huge!

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